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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第6期


    [中图分类号]G642.4 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)06-0135-03
, 百拇医药
    Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of TBL teaching method in oral implant teaching and the students' cognition of TBL teaching method. Methods In accordance with the TBL teaching method for the preparation before class and writing teaching plans, the students were divided into three groups followed by individual tests and team based discussions, and the results of the test were statistically figured out. After class, the students' cognition of TBL teaching method was mastered by questionnaire. Results The learning achievement of team cooperation group was 19.4 points higher than that of individual student, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The questionnaire survey showed that all students were satisfied with the TBL teaching method and willing to continue to use the TBL teaching model for learning. Meanwhile, 93.3% of the students held that they could quickly master new knowledge after TBL teaching activities. 86.7% of the students thought that this mode could improve the initiative in learning. The overall score of students gave to this teaching method reached 9.18 score. Conclusion TBL teaching method is superior to traditional teaching method in improving students' interest in learning knowledge of dental implantology, and it will definitely have better application prospects in teaching in dental implantology.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: TBL; dental implantology; medical education; LBL

    口腔种植学是口腔医学的一个新兴的独立分支学科,具有理论性强、实践性高的特点,涉及口腔颌面外科学、修复学、牙周病学、影像学和材料学等多个学科[1]。近年来,口腔种植学发展迅猛,已初步建立了学科的理论知识体系以及操作规范。目前在發达国家中,口腔医学院校本科阶段开设口腔种植学的课程已达到100%[2]。而我国的口腔种植学并没有全国性的教材或讲义,因此教学内容通常被合并到口腔颌面外科学和/或口腔修复学的教学中,这使得学生难以建立起准确而全面的口腔种植学认知。目前口腔种植学的教学以传统的教师讲授法(Lecture based learning,LBL) 为主。这种教学法以教师为主体,以讲授为中心,而学生只能被动接纳,这就造成了学生缺乏独立分析、解决问题的能力[3-4]。口腔种植学内容复杂、抽象,凭死记硬背知识点无法进行临床实践,这也是目前大部分口腔医学学科教育中普遍面临的问题。为解决口腔种植传统教学中存在的问题,本研究将现代教育理念与技术引入口腔种植教学中,通过“以团队为基础的学习”(Team based learning,TBL) 教学模式[5-7]了解该模式对学生种植教学的影响,为TBL 教学的开展提供前期经验积累。

    1 对象和方法

    1.1 研究对象:选取2013级空军军医大学口腔医学院本科专业学生15人,已采用LBL教学法完成了口腔种植学的理论课程学习。, 百拇医药(谢超 李德华 宋应亮)
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