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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第9期
     [13]Zeng J,Gao X.A prospective CBCT study of upper airway changes after rapid maxillary expansion[J].Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol,2013,77(11):1805-1810.

    [14]Ashok N,Varma N K S, Ajith V V, et al. Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on sleep characteristics in children[J].Contemp Clin Dent,2014,5(4):489-494.

    [15]Guilleminault C,Monteyrol PJ,Huynh NT,et al.Adeno-tonsillectomy and rapid maxillary distraction in pre-pubertal children, a pilot study[J]. Sleep Breath,2011, 15(2):173-177.

    [16]Guilleminault C,Huang YS,Monteyrol PJ,et al.Critical role of myofascial reeducation in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing[J].Sleep Medicine,2013,14(6): 518-525.

    [17]Pirelli P,Saponara M,Guilleminault C.Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea: a 12-year follow-up[J].Sleep Med,2015,16(8): 933-935.

    [18]Hoxha S,Kaya-Sezginer E,Bakar-Ates F,et al.Effect of semi-rapid maxillary expansion in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome:5-month follow-up study[J].Sleep Breath,2018,12:1-9.

    [19]McNamara JA,Lione R,Franchi L,et al.The role of rapid maxillary expansion in the promotion of oral and general health[J].Prog Orthod,2015,16(1):33-39.

    [20]Linna D,Jing G.Position change of hyoid bone induced by oral appliance of double-pull rods in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome and analysis of relevant factors[J].West China J Stomatol,2013,31(1):34-37.

    [21]Tomonari H,Takada H,Hamada T,et al.Micrognathia with temporomandibular joint ankylosis and obstructive sleep apnea treated with mandibular distraction osteogenesis using skeletal anchorage: a case report[J]. Head Face Med,2017,13(1): 20.

    [收稿日期]2018-04-20 [修回日期]2018-06-10

    編辑/李阳利, 百拇医药(朱丽莎 孙世怡 包佳佳 李彪 任利玲)
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