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http://www.100md.com 2020年1月1日 《中外女性健康研究》 20201
     【摘 要】 乳腺癌是女性生殖器官肿瘤中发病率较高的一种疾病类型,对生命和健康的威胁性较大。本文就内分泌治疗展开全面剖析,并强调内分泌治疗下容易存在的临床不良反应在中医辨证预防治疗中起到的具体疗效。

    【关键词】 乳腺癌;内分泌治疗;疾病类型;肿瘤科;不良反应;研究进展


    [Abstract] Breast cancer is a type of disease with a high incidence of female reproductive organs and is a threat to life and health. This article has carried out a comprehensive analysis of endocrine therapy, and emphasized the specific curative effect of the clinically unfavorable clinical adverse reactions under endocrine therapy in the prevention and treatment of TCM syndrome differentiation.

    [Key words]Breast cancer; Endocrine therapy; Disease type; Oncology; Adverse reactions; Research progress

    临床上治疗乳腺癌的过程中涉及到多种治疗方法 ......
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